Passion in Writing

When a struggling writer asks me how I keep writing despite the challenges and obstacles, I always tell them one thing: Passion. Passion for writing must come from the very depths of your soul. It is not merely a hobby; it is a calling, an art form that demands to be nurtured and cherished. Passion is what fuels those long, lonely nights, guiding your hand over the paper or your fingers over the keyboard. The world is brimming with beauty and wonder, but only open eyes and a passionate heart can truly perceive it. Without passion, a writer’s work becomes a monotonous drudgery, devoid of life and emotion. Readers will be captivated by novels infused with passion, turning each page with bated breath, eager to uncover the next marvel. Writing is a sacred art, and like any profound craft, it must be nurtured with care and devotion.

Would Beethoven have composed the Ninth Symphony, that awe-inspiring masterpiece that forever changed the landscape of music, without the burning fire of passion? Absolutely not! Each note resonates with his fervor and zeal. Would Leonardo da Vinci have painted the Mona Lisa, the most enigmatic and revered portrait ever created, without a heart brimming with passion? Of course not! Every brushstroke is a testament to his undying passion.

So, how does a writer unearth their passion? They must immerse themselves in the world of literature, reading voraciously across every genre, until they find the spark that ignites their soul. That spark then bursts into a blazing passion, propelling them to conjure plots and characters in their minds. They will write feverishly, unable to halt until the first draft is complete. In awe of their creation, they embark on the journey of rewriting, refining each sentence with meticulous care. Though the process of rewriting may be arduous, it is undeniably essential. Upon completing the final draft, they will be astonished to see their writing radiating with the brilliance of their passion!

New Ideas in Writing: A Unique Perspective

Embracing Freshness and Creativity

 New writers are often told, “There are no new ideas, only recycled ones.” I strongly disagree! The world is constantly evolving, they make new discoveries every day, there are endless possibilities of what to write about.

My motto is, “Are you bored by reading the same things over and over? If you want something fresh, something new, then read my books!”

I have countless life experiences to draw from. I grew up a nomad. Raised in Europe by my Italian mother and American father, both explorers, I have traveled to over twenty countries. But I did so, not as a tourist, but as a native. My mother spoke six languages fluently. Wherever we went, she used her knowledge to communicate.

Although I’m not as fluent as she was, I always learned enough to get by. Something many tourists don’t do; they miss out on a lot. They show a disrespect to the people of the countries they visit I also came to accept different cultures, even when they were different from ours. I’ve made friends all over the world and I cherish them.

But, my nomadic childhood left me unable to answer one question: Where are you from? I always reply, “Everywhere and nowhere!” Their reaction is often confusion, surprise, and even shock. I can’t blame them because I am the same way!

Even though I married a native Texan, I know Texas will never be my home. I’m a displaced Italian, and I always will be. My husband is a wonderful man, and I’m fortunate to have two children, both girls, that I love more than life.

In the end, my unique perspective and diverse experiences fuel my writing. Each place I’ve lived, each culture I’ve embraced, adds a new layer to my stories. So, while others may recycle old ideas, I strive to bring something new and fresh to my readers. If you’re tired of the same old narratives, I invite you to explore my books, where every story is a journey to the unknown, a dive into the unexplored. My life has taught me that the world is full of endless possibilities, and I hope to share that boundless creativity with you through my writing